Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Star Delta conversions

In three phase applications, Star connected circuits can be replaced by Delta connected circuits with the same resultant impedance. The Star impedances are Z10, Z20 and Z30. These can be replaced by Delta impedances Z12, Z23 and Z31.

For the calculations, the impedance Zxx is expressed as R + JX where R is the resistive component and X is the reactive component.

For an inductor, X = 2 x pi x F x L and
for a capacitor, X = -1/(2 x pi x F x C) NB X value for capacitor is negative!!

pi = 3.142
F = operating frequency
L = inductance
C = Capacitance.

The values can be entered and diplayed in either decimal format or in exponential format.
1e-3 = 0.001
1.45e2 = 145

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